How Do Hands Free Masturbators Work?

hands free masturbators

The sex toy world is full of gadgets that help with masturbation, whether you’re using an automatic stroker, Fleshlight holder, or remote-controlled prostate massager. But hands free masturbators take things to a whole new level of pleasure. They’re sex toys that allow you to do your oral or anal masturbation without having to hold or move the device to work it. These guys come in a range of shapes and sizes, and they can even be used with a vibrator to get extra sensations while you play.

They’re great for people who want to be more self-driven during masturbation and for those with conditions like Peyronie’s disease that prevent them from using regular masturbation devices. They’re also a fun way to bring some excitement into sex with a partner and can be used with or without lube. Depending on the model, you can find hands free masturbators that have remote controls, vibrations, app capabilities, and even virtual reality experiences.

How Do Hands Free Masturbators Work?

The mechanics of hands-free male masturbators vary, but most involve a motorized mechanism that pumps a sleeve up and down your shaft to simulate intercourse. Some, like the Fleshlight Quickshot Launch or the Autoblow AI, are more high-tech and can be controlled with your smartphone, allowing you to customize the experience with different speeds, vibrations, and internal noodle configurations. They can even be synchronized with a partner’s device through the manufacturer’s FeelConnect app for a completely shared sensual experience.

Most hands-free masturbators also offer a variety of attachment options to customize your experience, including a mouth-piece for tongue and anal stimulation or an extension sleeve to extend the length of your stroker. They’re easy to clean as well — just use sex toy cleaner and warm water for porous materials, and a damp cloth for non-porous materials. Most users also recommend storing your hands-free masturbator in a cool, dry place when you’re not using it.

If you’re looking for a more low-tech option, some men have found success taping their strokers to a sturdy surface, such as a couch or bed frame. Others have even rigged their own sex toys to be hands-free by combining them with a body pillow or duct tape. A few of these sex toys even include an inbuilt vibrator to enhance the experience and provide a more realistic orgasm.

In the age of automation and sex toy innovations, it’s no surprise that men have a lot of options when it comes to masturbating in a hands-free way. From simple strokers to complex AI-driven toys, there’s a hands free masturbator for everyone. Just remember to keep safety in mind when choosing one for yourself and have a good time playing with your new toy.

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